Thursday, 26 November 2015

Gill for Govan

On Wednesday 25th November, I did something that I could not be any more surprised by, or proud of.

I took part in my first ever hustings, having put myself forward to be the Scottish Green Party's candidate for the Govan ward in the 2017 Glasgow City Council elections.

It wasn't an easy decision to make. I know that I can, and want to, be a Councillor. I want to do my best to make a positive difference to people's lives. I have an undeniable passion for the places and people of the ward that was once my home. I have the overwhelming support of loved ones and fellow Greens.

But I also have mental health problems and on-going physical health issues. Both manageable and at this moment in time, do not prevent me from fulfilling my jobs as a part time Archive Assistant and a self employed cat sitter. They do hold me back though, knocking my confidence and whispering to me that nobody will want to take a chance on an anxious, medicated, wheezy, overweight wee wumin.

This wasn't the first time I had considered putting myself forward. Others had put the idea to me, but I found it terrifying. Thoughts of "I would never be good enough." etc. made the decision for me.

What changed? When Govan was suggested as a possible Target Ward, I immediately felt motivated into making it happen. While fellow Southside Greens shared this enthusiasm, we all knew it would be the one ward that would require that extra push. Our Party is often seen as being full of bike obsessed, muesli munching, middle class, white males. It's an issue I have myself with the Greens, even though many of my male Green friends do not live up to such stereotypes. You would be surprised at us Greens if you got to know us.

So I thought, and whispered to a few folk, that if we go for Govan, I'll put myself forward for the candidacy....

Well, we went for Govan.

The self doubt slowly gave way to intrigue and hope. After many coffees and chats, my nomination was submitted. As a former resident of Ibrox, I have a genuine love for the area. I am also aware of it's many social and economic problems, and having lived through them, I have a determination to see positive change.

I believe in Govan, and I am starting to truly believe in myself.

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